Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What did you prefer individual or team sports? This is the typical question that people ask me many often. So I'm going to make an article between the advantages and the disadvantages of these types of sports. Both types of sport have their advantages and disadvantages and there are a lot of reasons to getting fit practicing this sports.

Individual sports: An individual sport refers to a sport which is practiced by two opposing individuals or one individual. The advantages of individual sports are numerous. The first advantage is that can be more attractive to people who are new to sport thanks to the facility with which you can start to take part in them, secondly that you can just go out and do it whenever you want, without having to wait for others. If you are a runner and want to go running, you can just put your running shoes and go out. The individual sports, although, it haves a lot of disadvantages. On one hand is that you don’t have any team members to help that you have more pressure on you when you are playing. These two are the main disadvantages.
Team sports: these types of sports are practiced between opposing teams, where the players interact directly and simultaneously between them. The advantages are that the responsibility for success is equally shared out between all members of the team but on my opinion the best advantage is the community aspect of team sport. This means that you have people to train with and measure yourself against. This means that you can improve a lot like person and like athlete. But like all things on the live the team sports have their disadvantages too.  Disadvantages to being a part of a team are that you have to share everything, you have to share game time, the glory when you win a match...  personally I like much more the team sports that the individual ones because of that I practice the basketball one of the beast team sports on the world.

I hope that you like this work and that you know a little bit more about this!! see you!

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